Monday, February 13, 2006

History confused me by!!

Did the chicken come first or the egg? Did Ramayan come first or the Mahabharat? OR do we really care enough?

A random discusson can change so many things u just assume to be so, and then come the painful part of accepting that everything is probably not what your parents told you so.
PAINFUL!! - well initially thats true, till you realize you are actually, for a change, letting your brain do some thinking and having a say in your opinions.

Like we were told that first Ramayan happened and then the latter, but now there is a growing number of people who believe that this isn't the case. So when confusion reigns supreme and the mind feels as though every word said for or against sounds true, the urge to stand back and say "I need a break" shines through the haze.........

Considering thats what I did for 1 month - my progress in clearing the wool is just stuck at 2 links and a search for a book.
Links being -
An interesting study on the dates of both these major events in Indian "Mythology" presented in

and book being
India : A History - By John Keay

So therein pauses this blog and the grey matter in want of more information or validations.

........still searching for the book.........

and then suddenly you wonder if it really MATTERS what came first, in the bigger, much more important and immediate context of omlettes or morals.


At 11:11 PM, Blogger ammu said...

um...i'll have to think about this one...


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