Monday, February 27, 2006

Tagged by Krak-The Man !!

I'm Tagged ... (and hopefully "NOT FOR SALE AT 50% OFF:(" )

And now I have to write a list ....

A List of things I do to be the CHANGE..

So here goes...

Volunteer with AID

Rise early so I dont miss the sunrise and freshness of the morning.

Be AWED- keeps u firmly footed in reality

TRAVEL - to develop the "AWE" state

Collect LEGO and build - keeps the child intact within you

Keep off arrogance

Practice simplicity in thought and action

Be nice and try and get a smile on everyone's face and mine of course.

Believe in the "beyond"- too much is not known to us

Listen to "MUSIC" - liberates you..

Keep off hypocrisy

FEEL - cos its the only way you will make a change!!

(Thats all for now, more shall cross this path as the mind focuses on things I do rather than on other random inconsequential details of events happening in the immediate surroundings.)

Things I hope to do to bring some CHANGE

Contribute more to AID and other such organizations

Join a world organization like WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO

Realize "appreciation" as a way of life(am trying crazily hard)
and accept people the way they are (equally hard) and honor my friends

Be more helpful

Travel and spread / gain knowledge

Design to make the world more energy efficient

Live the "sustainable" way

Travel to outer space and realize ure nothing but a miniscule piece of nothingness in the larger picture

Believe in the power of the unknown and explore it

Strive to keep learning and explore the nth dimension

(the last 3 points = product of a permanent state of flux in the mind = questioning the purpose of feel free to ignore....:-)

So change shall occur in the next second in the act of performing any of the above deeds...

and lo behold!!... I changed, and the world changed with me .

Who shall I tag ?

The original tag man - kartik...again - cos he shld have changed from then to now
Amrita - cos i know she has a blog
for a start.....


At 1:40 PM, Blogger ammu said...

LOL. thou art funny.

Hope Jupiter is fun when you eventually make it there..

And the one thing you should really hope to do is 42.

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Kartik said...


I'm not doing that tag again, I'm gonna have run out of things to say :-)

Outer space - when the mind liberateth itself, no space is large enough.

Or small enough.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Kartik said...

Thou shalt update thy blog

Thou shalt write about the happenings of the past weekend

Thou shalt take me to Suwadee

Thou shalt treat everyone known to thee

Hmm ... and thou shalt reply on yahoo messenger :-)


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