Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mist on the mountains it is..

So what would you qualify as a beautiful, breathtaking, awesome experience?
This 21st day of March in the year 2006, the thought of sipping warm tea, having hot bhajias, or wada pav, the mist settling and the dampness clinging to you, the clouds rolling and falling ominously around you, unable to bear their weight and all the lush greenery around you swaying and waiting for a deluge from the sky.............and a train chugging and appearing out of nowhere and disappearing somewhere with a purpose, leaving behind a trail of smoke through which the blackness of the tracks emerge and disappear into nothingness.........

aaahhhhhhhhhh BLISS is what you term such an experience.
Sounds familiar - feels familiar?
All it needs is a drive to any mountain on a day like today and voila..experience it!!

If in India - positively its the Ghats/Himalayas, if elsewhere its Mt. Lemon or any mountain........
Go ahead ..enjoy....

and for the "not possible right now" folks - revisit childhood and read "Five go to Mystery Moor" and "Five go off to camp".
Feel the mist, imagine packets falling from the sky, mystery trains, hidden tracks.......its all there....



At 7:24 AM, Blogger ammu said...

sweeeetness!! You made me wish that I could be on a mtn right now! ha!

But I doubt there are any trains around here which run on mtns Rads.... :P

At 10:36 PM, Blogger Kartik said...

Man - trains.


Araku valley - train, free time, totallll fun! Yemmm.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger Kartik said...

Wogay man - update time!

At 11:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Rads, This is fantastic... keep itup.


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